Andrew McLeod

Andrew Macleod is a Scottish trombonist and performer based between Glasgow and the Hague. As a recent graduate of the Koninklijke Conservatorium, he has worked internationally as a freelance musician for six years.

Beyond the stage, Andrew is a dedicated advocate for social action through music. His work with Sistema, Nevis Ensemble and The Mystifiers ignited a passion for outreach that motivates his work today. Andrew harnesses music to inspire dialogue and political engagement that creates positive changes in our community.

Andrew’s interest in yoga led him to research its therapeutic potential for brass instrumentalists. His exploration of injury prevention culminated in the creation of a yoga guide tailored to the needs of brass musicians. This was later published and commended for its inclusive exploration and holistic benefits.

Whilst studying his Masters in the Netherlands, Andrew found acceptance in his queer identity through the Hagues’ diverse performance scene. Through collaborating with queer composers to create new works, he explored his voice as a queer artist. Amplifying the voices of queer musicians and inspiring a more inclusive and informed brass community quickly became the focus of his work moving forwards.

Takes part in




Club Church

Music performance about the complex relationship between religion and queerness.

Also look at

Marshall Gilkes

György Gyivicsan

Emily White

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